Edge Joint Welding: Definition, Simple and Effective Methods

Marcus Colson Last updated on September 6, 2023
Reading Time: 5 Minute

Edge joint welding is an interesting topic to cover. This welding technique will challenge you to the next level.

Edge joints may not be the most difficult type to weld, but they can be challenging without proper training.

You can master the welding skill better if you understand the basics of joint edge welding.

You will learn a few things about this welding type in this article, from the definition to the comparison with other welding types.

What is an Edge Joint?

You can make edge joints by putting materials parallel to each other. Then you weld them at the edges. 

It is called an “edge” joint because this welding technique welds both (or more) edges of the metal pieces.

Although the joint design looks simple, the process can be a little tricky. 

In some applications, you may need to use two metals with different levels of thickness. While in others, you will need to work with a metal piece that is bent for a certain purpose.

Edge joints may not be as strong as other joint types, but I don’t think its use should be defined by strength alone.

Like other welding joints, edge joints have their own strengths and weaknesses. 

Advantages and Disadvantages

There are advantages and disadvantages of joint edge welding.

Here are some of them:

1. Advantages

  • It can fill gaps faster than other joint types. It suits any project that requires you to save time.
  • You can apply this technique to materials with various levels of thickness and sizes.
  • An edge joint has an aesthetic look, which you can still polish to make it look better.
  • It’s easier to adjust your welding machine setting with this technique, which means a better control and a better result.

2. Disadvantages

  • Edge joint welding may cause a porosity problem if not done correctly. Cleaning your metal pieces before working on them can help you avoid this risk.
  • You may need to hire a high-trained welder for a consistent result. Otherwise, achieving the same result throughout the project will be difficult.
  • Due to a limited heat level, you can’t use this method for materials with a high melting point.
  • If the heat is too intense, the metal may start to warp.

Edge Joint Welding Types

This type of welding has several applications, which include:

1. Edge Weld on Edge Joint

In this scenario, you will put two metal pieces parallel to each other and weld them at their edges.

2. Edge Weld on Flanged Butt Joint

To create this joint, you must weld two flanged pieces of metal at their edges. Flanged metal means the metal is bent for a certain purpose.

3. Edge Weld on Corner Flanged Joint

You have two flanged metal pieces to work on within the previous section.

But here, you will have one flanged piece and a flat one.

Of all the types of edge joint welding above, the first one is the most commonly used. The other two are not so much, though they have the most aesthetic look.

Read Also : Detailed Guide to Butt Joint Welding: Types, Pros and Cons

Comparisons of The Welding Methods

There are also a number of key differences between edge joint welding types and other types of welding joints.

1. Edge Joint Welding vs. Tee Joint Welding

Here is the comparison between joint edge welding vs tee joint welding:

  • Form

With joint edge welding, you join two (or more) metal pieces into a single unit by welding them at their edges.

On the other hand, tee joint welding will have you join two metal pieces perpendicularly at a 90-degree angle.

  • Strength

Regarding strength, joint edge welding is superior to tee joint welding.

This is because the first welding method has a larger weld area than the latter. 

Edge joints are welded along the length of both metal pieces, hence a stronger joint.

Meanwhile, tee joints only require welding at the end of one metal piece so it can stick to the other.

  • Position

Edge joint welding allows you to weld the metal horizontally or vertically, depending on where the edges of the metal are located. 

Tee joint welding is not that flexible. Since you must watch the melting metal flow, stick to a horizontal position.

Read Also : 4 Essential Welding Position Types for Perfect Joints

  • Preparation

Edge joint welding requires more preparation because you will need to clean and smoothen the edges to ensure a good quality weld

On the other hand, you don’t have to make a long preparation for tee joint welding because you only need to butt both metal edges together.

  • Application

You apply edge joint welding in projects where strength and stability are important, such as building structures and pipelines.

Tee joint welding is useful when speed is more important, like in metal sheet projects. 

2. Edge Joint Welding vs. Corner Joint Welding

Here is the comparison between joint edge welding vs corner joint welding you need to know:

  • Form

Corner joint welding will give you the L shape, which results from joining the ends of two metal pieces at a 90-degree angle.

Edge joint welding works to turn two metal pieces into one by welding them at the edges side by side.

  • Strength

Technically speaking, you can create strong joints using both methods.

So, the only things that will make differences are the welder’s skills and the quality of the materials.

  • Position

Edge joint welding allows you to weld in any position.

Corner joint welding, on the other hand, is usually performed with the metal pieces lying horizontally.

  • Preparation

Both techniques require a lot of preparation.

The difference is that edge joint welding’s preparation involves cleaning and beveling the edges, while corner joint welding deals with aligning and clamping the metal in place.

  • Application

People use edge joints for projects that require strength, like buildings and bridges.

In contrast, corner joints are useful when 90-degree metal work is needed, such as making metal frames and brackets.

3. Edge Joint Welding vs. Lap Joint Welding

Here are the comparisons between edge joint welding vs lap joint welding you must know:

  • Form

Edge joint welding joins two or more metal pieces by welding them at the edges. Lap joint welding, on the other hand, handles two metal pieces that overlap.

  • Strength

Both welding methods can create strong bonds, so the strength difference relies on the welder’s skills and the quality of the materials.

  • Position

Edge joint welding allows various welding positions, while lap joint welding only allows it to be done horizontally.

  • Preparation

Edge joint welding preparation involves cleaning and beveling the materials.

Lap joint welding preparation includes aligning and securing the metal pieces.

  • Application

You can use joint edge welding for projects that require strength, such as buildings and bridges.

Lap joint welding will suit projects where you must combine metal pieces without increasing the joint thickness.

In Conclusion: Mastering edge joint welding is a step to improve your overall welding skills.

If you want to avoid making too many mistakes, studying the strengths and weaknesses of this technique is a must.

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Marcus Colson
Marcus Colson

Welding is more than a hobby for me - it's a passion. The art of fusing metal together to create something new and functional never gets old. From intricate sculptures to sturdy structures, I love the endless possibilities that welding offers.

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