Why do Welders Starch their Jeans? A Solid Overview!

Marcus Colson Last updated on September 4, 2023
Reading Time: 4 Minute

Welding is a demanding profession that requires meticulous attention to safety and appearance. One might wonder, why do welders starch their jeans?

Starching clothes, especially jeans, is a widely practiced habit among welders, and for good reason.

Let’s delve into the reasons and benefits behind this practice.

Reasons for Why do Welders Starch Their Jeans

  1. Protection from Harmful Gases and Heat

Why do welders starch their jeans? The foremost reason is the protection it offers.

The intense heat and harmful gases generated during welding can pose serious threats.

A layer of starch on jeans acts as a protective barrier, safeguarding the welder from these elements.

  1. Prevention of Damage

Welding can be messy, often leading to burn scars, holes, and other types of damage on clothes. Starched jeans are more resilient, effectively resisting sparks, welding fumes, and other harmful particulates.

  1. Professional Appearance

A crisp and neat appearance is crucial in many professions, and welding is no different. Starched jeans provide a professional look, enhancing a welder’s confidence and readiness for the task ahead.

  1. Enhanced Durability and Flame Resistance

The strength of fabric fibers is notably increased with starching, making jeans more rigid and durable. In addition, starched jeans are less likely to catch fire, adding another layer of safety for welders.

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Benefits of Starching Jeans for Welders

  • Debris and Spatter Resistance: Prevents harmful debris and spatters from seeping through the fabric.
  • Flame Retardant Properties: Acts as a shield against potential fires.
  • Skin Protection: Safeguards the skin from both major and minor burns.
  • Extended Garment Life: Augments the overall lifespan of the jeans.
  • Fresh Appearance: Helps in maintaining a fresh and clean look for longer durations.
  • Resistance to Contaminants: Efficiently resists dust, dirt, and stains.

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How to Properly Starch Jeans

Welders and many professionals often wonder: Why do welders starch their jeans? The process not only protects but also extends the life of the jeans.

But, to attain these benefits, one must understand the proper method. Let’s break down the process step by step.

  1. Preparation:
  • Select the Right Jeans: Before you begin, ensure that the jeans are suitable for starching. The best materials for this purpose are 100% cotton or denim.
  • Clean the Jeans: Wash your jeans to remove any dirt, oil, or grease. These residues can interfere with the starching process and increase flammability. Make sure the jeans are dry before moving to the next step.
  1. Choosing the Right Starch:
  • Liquid Starch: This is the most commonly used type for jeans. It is available at most grocery or department stores.
  • Safety First: Opt for a starch with minimal phosphoric acid to reduce any fire risk during the subsequent ironing process.
  1. Starching Process:
  • Lay the Jeans Flat: On a suitable surface, spread out the jeans. This helps in ensuring an even application of the starch.
  • Spray Evenly: Using a spray bottle filled with liquid starch, spray it uniformly on the jeans. Ensure that you cover every part, but avoid oversaturating. Too much liquid can make the jeans overly stiff and uncomfortable.
  • Drying: Once sprayed, let the jeans dry thoroughly. This can be done by hanging them in a well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight as it can lead to uneven drying or discoloration.
  1. Ironing:
  • Set the Iron: Once the jeans are dry, set your iron to the cotton setting or as per the fabric recommendation.
  • Iron Carefully: Begin by ironing the waistband and pockets, then move to the larger areas. Ensure you iron in straight lines, pressing down firmly but smoothly. This ensures that the starch is evenly distributed and sets properly.


  • For Extra Crispness: If you prefer your jeans to be extra crisp, you can apply a second layer of starch after the first one has dried and repeat the ironing process.
  • Storage: Once starched, jeans should be hung up in a closet or wardrobe to maintain their shape and crispness.

By following this comprehensive guide, anyone can understand why do welders starch their jeans and how to achieve the best results.

Proper starching not only offers protection but also ensures that jeans last longer and look more professional.

A Few Precautions and Drawbacks

While the benefits are plenty, it’s essential to note some drawbacks and precautions associated with starching jeans.

Drawbacks of Starching

  • Rigidity: Excessive starching can render jeans too stiff, hampering movement.
  • Potential Damage: Over-starching might damage fabric fibers over time.
  • Shrinking Risk: Especially in materials like denim and cotton, there’s a potential for shrinkage.
  • Comfort Issues: Starched jeans might become uncomfortable if overdone.

Risks and Precautions

  • Flammability: Due to the chemical properties of starch, there’s a potential fire risk. Always handle with care.
  • Pre-Starch Cleaning: Ensure jeans are washed to remove any oils or grease before starching, as these can heighten fire risks.
  • Selecting Starch: Opt for starch with minimal phosphoric acid to reduce fire hazards during ironing.

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Choosing the Right Clothes

To reiterate, the best materials for welding and subsequently starching are 100% cotton or denim.

These provide optimum protection and are most suited to the starching process.

Conversely, synthetic fibers like nylon or polyester should be avoided as they can easily burn and stick to the skin.


So, why do welders starch their jeans? The answer lies in the combination of safety, appearance, and durability that starched jeans offer.

While the benefits are noteworthy, it’s vital to approach the process with caution and knowledge.

By doing so, welders can ensure maximum protection and longevity for both themselves and their jeans.

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Marcus Colson
Marcus Colson

Welding is more than a hobby for me - it's a passion. The art of fusing metal together to create something new and functional never gets old. From intricate sculptures to sturdy structures, I love the endless possibilities that welding offers.

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